"A testament to the power of organizing and action for change"


Written by Bridget Cooke, Adelante Mujeres Co-Founder and Executive Director, on 4/20/21.

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I heard the threefold verdict of guilty, guilty, guilty this afternoon with a deep sense of relief for George Floyd’s family, for the country and for the world.  Joy Reid said it well, “Blaming the dead didn’t work this time….”

I’m so grateful for the courage and wisdom of the jurors in reaching their decision – a decision in sharp contrast with centuries of justice denied. And I’m so grateful for everyone who organized, marched and spoke up over these past 11 months to shift our national consciousness regarding the use of force by police. Today’s decision is a testament to the power of organizing and action for change. 

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At Adelante Mujeres, we embrace the hope of Restorative Justice, the belief that the needs of victims must be prioritized and the conviction that offenders can grow and change. At the heart of Restorative Justice is the acceptance of wrongdoing. Today, we witnessed a national reckoning with wrongdoing that for far, far too long has been excused.

We know there is still so much in need of transformation in our systems and in our hearts – from law enforcement and criminal justice to immigrant rights and anti-blackness. To our Adelante family - I’m proud of you for the ways you lean into the struggle for racial justice and the fight to ensure that public safety means safety for all the public.

I’m very pleased to be able to join with you, our Adelante family, to renew our commitment to listen deeply to all victims of racism and to unite our wishes for peace and healing for the Floyd family.

 In solidarity, Bridget.


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