Chicas Participate in STEM Beyond School Project
Building Levers with Intel Engineers
In partnership with Evergreen Middle School, STEM Beyond School is the Chicas program’s afterschool and weekend project bringing science, technology, engineering, and mathematic hands-on, minds-on activities and career exposure to 7th and 8th grade girls.
Chicas participated in activities like building levers, exploring marine engineering and neutral buoyancy with OMSI's "Sounds of the Sea" activity, building plastic cup towers using only rubber bands controlled by strings, and learned how to make finger casts, use syringes, take blood pressure and more with nurses from St. Vincent's Hospital!
So far this spring, we have enjoyed visits from St. Vincent’s Labor & Delivery nurses and Intel computer engineers, and look forward to visits with Airway Science for Kids, a wildlife engineer from the Bureau of Land Management, and trips to the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum, OHSU, and more!
Learning How to Make Finger Casts with Nurses from St. Vincent’s Hospital.