All, Special Events Adelante All, Special Events Adelante

As Washington County hits 80% vaccination rate for adults, Governor Kate Brown visits Adelante Mujeres during a vaccination event

We welcomed a couple of extra special guests to our building today. In early September, Washington County became the first county in Oregon to vaccinate 80% of its adults. To celebrate this accomplishment, and to see the grassroots vaccination efforts in action, Governor Kate Brown and Chair of Washington County, Kathryn Harrington, visited Adelante Mujeres during a mobile vaccination event.

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Special Events, All Adelante Mujeres Special Events, All Adelante Mujeres

Adelante Mujeres celebrates 2021 graduates and their outstanding community work from the year

Trusted community advocates are invaluable, especially when recognizing the past trauma individuals might have experienced with government agencies or in the healthcare system. Through coalition building Promotores and Navegadoras have been able to advocate for immigrant rights at the County level and health equity at the community level.

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Leadership & Advocacy, All Adelante Leadership & Advocacy, All Adelante

Milka's Story: “It runs here, it runs in my blood.” 

When on the topic of female empowerment, Milka wanted to make one thing clear: Women can. “Yes, yes, we can. It’s just a matter of taking that first step and continue moving forward”. She describes Adelante Mujeres as the complete package. “They have the tools to allow people to reach their goals. It’s like, ‘Okay, I feel empowered now, I can reach my goals’”.

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Chicas Youth Development, All Adelante Chicas Youth Development, All Adelante

How LGBTQIA+ Youth Leadership Has Transformed The Chicas Program

In the Chicas Youth Development Program, there is one underlying theme: You have the right to be here.

When students learn that they deserve to take up space, that their voices matter, and that they are capable of creating the change they want to see, activism is never far behind. As Pride month comes to a close, we highlight ways Latina youth are leading in the LGBTQIA+ movement.

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All, Adult Education Adelante All, Adult Education Adelante

Griselda's Story of Getting her GED During the COVID-19 Pandemic

My name is Griselda Hernández García, but I also go by Gray. I am from Mexico. I moved to Oregon back in 2006 at 19 years old with a 2-year-old daughter. I had no family here so it was difficult to start working and learning to drive. At that time, I wanted to return to school but felt like it was impossible since I had to work to support both my little girl and I.

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